
Welcome from Albie Derbyshire & Elizabeta Kuzevska
Creators of The Online Marketing Acadamy!


Step by Step Guide to Setting Up Your Blog With GDI

GDI Team Elite basically helps you use GDI to create 
leveraged income and build a team of members 

that all support and help each other to succeed working 
on the internet. 

We daily advertise a "team link" on free and paid ad 
sites all over the internet.
These ads bring in new 
subscribers to our email list and these on our list
get our emails describing GDI Team Elite.

Our emails encourage them to respond back to us and 
when they do we find out how interested they are 
and if it is high, we send them the "GDI join link"
so they can also join our team. 

When they join our team, we send them our training
and this helps them to learn real marketing.
It also
helps them learn how to use these ad sites and to 
help the team get 1000 hits per member each week. 
Together our hits create leverage and multiple 
thousands of hits a week from our whole team. 

In this way, we can help place a new member under 
active team members to help them eventually get 
six paying members on their team.
We also help 
each of their six also get thier six (if they are 
motivated and also support the team).


The two things each team member is encouraged to
do in order to support the team is to get 1000 hits 
a week to their special individual team link and to
also go through the team training. 


If they go through the training finishing Step 4
and have been getting 1000 hits a week for the team,
then they are elligible to start getting thier first 
placed member under them.
If they continue to 
go through all Sixteen Steps of the training, then
they will continue to get new members placed 
under them until they have their six and become
new team leaders themselves. The training helps
them to get ready for becoming a team leader! 

I hope this helps explain how our GDI Team 
Elite works.
Every GDI Team Elite is a little 
different. We however, have grown a big team
with 13 team leaders under us and will continue to 
help others to succeed and build their teams too. :) 

Let's get started! 

First, contact your team leader for any other information
that is not found on this page. Your team leader is: 

Albie Derbyshire

Your link also 
will be given out on this page when you're ready too.
This is how we will help you build your six team 
members under you!

Here's the link of Brian Allerton who has been going 
faithfully through the training and has reached Step 6.
He also has been faithfully getting 1000 hits a week
for our team. He will be your sponsor but Albie
will still be your team leader and will be helping you
just as he is helping Brian. Here is his link to join: 


Once you're on Brians page then here are additional 
instructions how to join: 


Step 1 – Register on GDI (Its Free for 7 Days then $10 Per Month)

To register on GDI please use the link above to join Albie's team.

You will need to complete the registration form which asks for some information as follows:

Create a username that you are happy to have showing on your referral link, create a password that you will remember, add your name details and then choose individual as account type on the first page:

On the next page you need to set some security questions, and choose option 1 (both income and address package) under why are you registering. Tick the captcha not a robot box:

On the 3rd page you enter your contact details and accept the privacy policy:

On the 4th page you will need to create a domain name. This will be the address for your blog or website. If you are not sure about a domain to use then one with your name can work for many different types of blog. There will be some suggested domains shown below the box as well:

The next page is the shopping cart – check the domain you want is showing here. You can also choose to add domain privacy here if you wish to have that. It costs an extra $1 per month for domain privacy, and this keeps your contact details and registration private from others online.

The next page will ask if you want a basic account or a premium upgrade. If you are already familiar with blogging and websites you may like to consider the premium account, but the basic one is fine for most blogs. I do not encourage our team
to get a premium membership. 

Next you need to provide payment details – your account will be a monthly cost of at least $10 ($11 if you took privacy and $50 if you take a premium account upgrade). You can choose to pay by credit or debit card as well as paypal. There are no other payment options available at the moment…… however you can use an online only gift card account such as those provided from online earning accounts to claim your commission. These can be funded in many ways so lifts the restriction that many people face regarding payment options.

Enter your payment details on the following page and submit your registration. You will get the you are online notifcation as shown below when your account registration is completed:

Step 2 – Log In To Your GDI Account

The login address for your account is: https://www.website.ws/members/ I recommend you bookmark it. Enter the username and password you created when you registered:

Inside the members area of your account you will see there is quite a lot of information. I recommend you do read the GDI Learning Bonus section as this will pay you $25 when completed.

To set up your blog however you need to scroll down until you see WordPress and More in the side menu:

On the wordpress and more page, you just need to turn on the wordpress plugin by moving the button across to ON position:

You will be sent an email when your blog has been created and ready to use.

Step 3 – Log In To WordPress

When your blog is ready for using you just need to log in to your account on WordPress:

The address to use for login is http://YOURBLOGNAME.ws/wp-login.php. Again I recommend you bookmark this link.

Step 4 – Update WordPress Settings

The first thing I suggest you do is update the wordpress settings to make your blog look the way you want it to.

I will be providing training to my team members and their downline regarding using wordpress in my Facebook Group. If not on my team I suggest you spend some time learning how to use WordPress by following the tutorials here.

Step 5 – Write Blog Posts

This is of course the main point of having a blog. You can write posts about anything you choose really.

I know some people struggle with this, so will be providing some blog posts for my own team members who want to use the work online niche in their own blogs. These will be pre written and simply need to be updated with referral links. In addition I will be sharing my own blogging tips in my Facebook group. I am limiting this to members who are on my team in GDI (in my downline so its open to those who join under my team members as well as me). As I have been blogging for years and this is highly valuable information to earning substatial income on the internet!

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We look forward to working with you! 



Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska
cell: 626-379-5692

EliAlbie67@gmail.com   Albie Derbyshire  Elizabeta Kuzevska     877-521-5505     cell: 626-379-5692